Have you heard of the ‘7 types of rest’?

Have you ever slept through an entire day and still woke up feeling tired? Especially after a busy week of work or study, it’s normal to feel this way. However, what’s not normal is to continue to feel this way even after a good night’s rest! That feeling of tiredness and lethargy could be ‘burnout’! So, what is the solution?

A few years ago, I stumbled upon something that piqued my curiosity and might just be the missing piece in your and my puzzle of perpetual tiredness. It’s called the “7 types of rest”, and it turns out, sleep isn’t the one-stop solution to all our exhaustion woes. Intrigued? So was I!

So, what are the seven types of rest? 

  1. 1.Physical Rest: This can be either passive (sleeping, napping) or active (yoga, stretching). It’s about letting your body heal and recover from the daily hustle.
  2. 2. Mental Rest: Ever felt like your brain is in a browser with 100 tabs open? Mental rest is closing those tabs one by one through short breaks throughout the day, meditation, or simply doing nothing.
  3. 3. Sensory Rest: Bright lights, computer screens, background noise—our senses are bombarded daily. Sensory rest could mean unplugging from electronics, seeking silence, or basking in the soft glow of a candle.
  4. 4. Creative Rest: This is for anyone who’s felt stuck in a rut. Creative rest rejuvenates your creative juices and can be as simple as enjoying nature, appreciating art, or listening to music that moves you.
  5. 5. Emotional Rest: It involves expressing your feelings openly and honestly to manage stress and avoid emotional buildup. A good heart-to-heart with a friend can do wonders here.
  6. 6. Social Rest: This means surrounding yourself with people who uplift you and drawing boundaries with those who drain you. It’s about quality over quantity.
  7. 7. Spiritual Rest: Engaging in something greater than yourself, like prayer, meditation, or community involvement, can provide you with a deep sense of belonging, purpose, and fulfillment.

An interesting study by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith in her book “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity,” highlights the importance of recognising which types of rest you need. According to her research, neglecting any particular type of rest can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and overall dissatisfaction with life. This resonated with me deeply because how often do we attribute all our tiredness to a lack of sleep, ignoring other areas that might be off-balance?

So, how about a quick self-check? Which type of rest do you think you’re missing out on? For me, it’s definitely creative rest. So, I’ve been spending a lot of time in nature to help me get out of feeling like I’m in a rut. 

Why not you try embracing these varied forms of rest too rather than just defaulting to your cozy beds😊? Who knows – you might just find yourselve feeling more refreshed, balanced, and ready to tackle each day with newfound energy. Here’s to resting smarter, not harder💪🏽!