Mistakes students make

Common mistakes I notice international students make.

As a lecturer, I deal with students pretty much on a daily basis. Lately, I have been noticing that students are ignoring the most basic things that could make their life at university much easier and in the process teach them some valuable life skills! Here is the list:

1. The Lone Wolf SyndromeNot asking for help or waiting until it is too late. I understand that sometimes it isn’t easy to admit that you don’t know something, but it is worse to go through the course of your term 1 without knowing what to do and making mistakes that will cause problems later on. Raising a hand in class or going to drop-in sessions could save you not just your grades but also relieve you of unnecessary stress. Teachers and classmates can be your biggest support; Use them well (with respect, of course 😊)!

2. The Great Syllabus SnubNot reading the assessment brief, the course content and the necessary handbooks etc. This is the biggest mistake you can make as a student. A written document is usually and official (and in some cases, legal) document. Reading these thoroughly can save you a lot of heartache! I find that students often glance at these briefs and documents during the first class and then promptly ignore until panic set in before assessments. These humble documents are actually a treasure map. This is where you will learn about the key due dates, assignment guidelines, and exam topics. Ignoring it was like navigating a city without Google Maps: confusing and with plenty of wrong turns. Respect the syllabus documents, and half your work is done!

3. Study Spree MadnessLeaving all things to last minute. Ever crammed a whole semester’s learning into one night? Or tried to complete an entire assessment in one day? Fuelled by caffeine, flipping through pages at superhuman speeds at 2 AM, trying to download months of information into your brain! Effective? Not quite. Regular, spaced-out study sessions are the way to go—unless you enjoy feeling like a zombie the next day.

4. Class? What Class?Not attending classes! Skipping class may seem like a great idea until you realise you miss more than just lectures. There are impromptu discussions, vital tips, and sometimes, changes in the syllabus (which you were already ignoring, remember?). Each missed class is a missed opportunity to learn and connect. Plus, catching up always took longer than the actual class. Lesson to learn: show up or miss out!

5. Ignoring the Mind Matters Ignoring mental health. Student life isn’t just about academics; it’s about growing up and finding balance. Students often brush off stress and burnout as temporary nuisances. “It’s just part of being a student”. Big mistake. Taking care of your mental health is as crucial as maintaining your GPA. Regular check-ins with yourself, engaging in hobbies, and seeking support makes not just for a happier student life but a healthier one too. This includes not working more than the 20 hours allowed on a student visa. Working and studying is hard as it is. If you overwork for some money today, it not only affects your mental health but also the quality of your learning and student life. 

So there you have it— list of the most common mistakes international students tend to make. If you’re still in your student shoes, maybe you can dodge these academic pitfalls. It is never too late to adopt a more balanced lifestyle. Cheers to a smarter, happier student journey! 🎓📚.