Learning a new skills improves brain function

How Learning to Draw Helped Me Feel Better

Last week was really tough. It seemed like every day brought a new problem. But I found something surprising that helped a lot: drawing. I’ve always thought that learning something new can make you feel better, and drawing really proved that to me.

Picking up a pencil and focusing on creating something new has not only been therapeutic but also a fantastic way to escape reality for a few hours 😊. It’s amazing how learning a new skill can calm the mind, lift the mood, and rejuvenate your whole being—I feel human again! Also, it’s extremely satisfying to see the effort I put in and process I went through come into fruition 😍!

Drawing and other new skills help calms the mind

For me, drawing lets me stop thinking about everything else and just focus on what my hands are doing. It’s a quiet time just for me, where I can relax and make something beautiful. This break from stress helps clear my mind and makes me feel calm and happy. This same thing happens when I do some gardening. Both these activities are brand new to me. So, the process of learning keeps me busy but also teaches me a new talent!

What Science Says About Learning New Things

Studies in neuroscience support have found that learning a new skill is not just a great way to unwind but also helps improve brain function through improved neuroplasticity! 

I looked up some studies to see if there was science behind why learning new things feels so good. Here’s what I found:

  1. Better Thinking Skills
    • Study by Park et al. (2012): Older people who started new hobbies like taking photos or quilting did better on thinking tests than people who didn’t learn new things. This shows that learning keeps your brain sharp.
  2. Protects the Brain
    • Study by Thomas H. Bak (2016): Learning new languages can help your brain stay healthy and might prevent memory problems. It’s like exercise for your brain, keeping it young and strong.
  3. Changes in the Brain
    • Study by Nudo (2013): When you practice a new skill, your brain changes to get better at it. So when I draw, my brain is not just making art, it’s also getting better at using my hands and thinking creatively.

Why We Should All Keep Learning

These studies show that learning new skills is really good for us. It doesn’t just add fun to our lives; it makes our brains stronger and helps us handle stress better.


As I keep drawing and maybe start other new activities, I want you to think about what you might like to learn. Whether it’s music, writing, or gardening, learning new things is good for your brain and your mood.

So, what have you been wanting to learn? How do you think it could help you feel better?

Let’s keep learning new things together. It’s good for us in so many ways!