Technology and Education

Technology must be at the heart of education for effective learning and development.

Mindless repetitive tasks add little value to a learner’s journey. There are some traditionalists who may argue that repetitive tasks teach grit and patience. While this may be true to an extent, very small extent, there is a limit to its value. Today, learners need to develop skills that prepare them for the fast paced, new age world of technology. Education, therefore, must be integrated with efficient technology at its core.

Technology-based education allows for the use of latest technological tool embedded into everyday learning tasks, which not only enhances the learning experience but also emphasizes active and personalized learning, collaborative and experiential learning, and assessment for learning. It removes the traditional lecture-based approach that relies on memorization and repetition of facts, and instead focuses on developing skills that are relevant in the new age.

Active and Personalized Learning with the help of technology

There is no doubt that active learning emphasizes the importance of engaging learners in the learning process through activities such as discussion, problem-solving, and group work. Personalized learning tailors instruction to the individual needs and learning styles of each learner. Technology can play a role here in automating and implementing active and personalized learning by providing adaptive learning algorithms, personalized learning paths, and interactive multimedia content. For example, the Khan Academy uses technology to provide personalized learning experiences to learners of all ages based on their individual learning progress and goals. Such tools ensure that we don’t always rely on ‘one size fits all’ and nurture learners by supplementing with tools that can target individual learning needs and goals.

Collaborative and Experiential Learning with the help of technology

Collaborative learning is a key skill needed in the real world, alongside experiential learning. Since the outbreak of Covid, collaboration is no longer limited to a physical space. With increasing number of people preferring remote work or, at the very least, flexible working option, a lot of the collaboration happens online. Learners that will enter the working world soon will have to be prepared for new and innovative technologies. If they are not given the opportunity to learn and use various tech tools, they could be disadvantaged once in the real world. Teachers and education providers have the responsibility to use technology to facilitate collaborative learning by providing online discussion forums, virtual collaboration tools, and real-time feedback. Technology can also be used to create authentic learning experiences, such as virtual field trips, simulations, and labs. The company Immersive VR Education is a great example here. It provides virtual reality experiences for history, science, and language learning – which is a game changer for tech natives.

Assessment for Learning with the help of technology

Assessments are a necessary evil, especially for checking progress. However, the stress learners must face with assessments is a counterproductive practice. Assessment for learning emphasizes the importance of ongoing and formative assessment to monitor learner progress and provide feedback to help fill in the gaps in knowledge. This is a progressive practice as opposed to the traditional exams that mainly test memory. The traditional methods are not always inclusive of neurodivergent learners. Technology can play an important role here in creating and implementing differentiated assessment for learning by providing online quizzes, self-assessment tools, and real-time feedback. Apps like Kahoot! are great tools that can make formative assessment and feedback fun, engaging and interactive – taking away the unnecessary stress and making feedback less daunting.

In conclusion, technology-based education is a powerful approach that focuses on developing skills and removing mindless repetitive tasks that add no value to the life of a learner. Technology is here to stay and will only get bigger and better. As education providers, it is our responsibility to ensure our learners are ready for the real world.  By using the latest technology, we can create a learning experience that is engaging, personalized, and effective – in the process – prepare learners for challenges they will face when they enter the workplace.