The Power of the 3 Cs: Achieving Goals Through Clarity, Commitment and Consistency.

Learning leads to growth. Growth leads to competency. Competency paired with effort, most definitely, leads to success. Competency is a result of the 3 Cs: Clarity, Commitment and Consistency.

The three ‘Cs’ – Clarity, Consistency, and Commitment – My holy trinity! I found this ‘Mantra’ at my lowest. And it changed my life. Like most people in the world, I had no clue what to do with my life. Just kept doing what ever came my way – because what else is there to do?! Somehow, (through readings or may be it was speaking to people) I found the mantra of the 3 Cs to ensure I achieve my goals. But what were my goals? At the time I was only worried about getting a job so I can earn some money! So I decided go set career as my goal. Now what? Let me walk you through my story, in the hope that these 3 Cs can also empower you on your journey to self-realization and achieving your goals.

Finding Clarity: I had no idea what clarity meant or what it is that I wanted to do. The question of ‘What do you want to do?’ Used to fill me with dread! I hoped somebody would just tell me what to do and I wouldn’t have to decide. That never happened of course. So, I wrote. My quest began with a humble list. I wrote down everything I thought I should do, everything I thought I could do and everything I really wanted to do. I was surprised at the list. I went from ‘I don’t know’ to this big list! I experimented with multiple roles but, as I introspected, my true passion became clear. I was destined to teach and coach. The moment this clarity came through it streamlined my decisions, transforming each choice into a step towards my goal. When we possess clarity about our ambitions, every decision, no matter how trivial, becomes purposeful.

Embracing Commitment: Once my purpose was crystal clear, there was no looking back. I committed wholeheartedly. Commitment isn’t just about saying “I’ll do it.” It’s an unwavering pact you make with yourself. Also, once I was clear about my goal and purpose, it was easy to stay motivated. So committing made sense. I was aware that life’s path isn’t always smooth, so even when faced with adversity, I tried to stay true to my course. My commitment not only kept me going down the ‘right’ path but it also opened my eyes to opportunities, further refining my vision for the future.

Ensuring Consistency: Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s cultivated over time, nurtured by continuous effort. My journey was no exception. Even during setbacks, whether illness or failures, I never pressed ‘pause.’ On days I felt drained, I read. When motivation waned, I wrote in my journal to remind me of my goals. And when I failed, instead of sulking, I dissected my mistakes, ensuring I wouldn’t repeat them. Consistency isn’t just about showing up; it’s about growing every day. When we are consistent, change doesn’t just happen; it accelerates.

Finally, I also noticed that following these 3 Cs gave rise to a 4th C. Confidence. Being clear, being committed and being consistent gave me a sense of confidence in what I was doing. Once confidence kicked in – there was no looking back 😊.

Let these three ‘Cs’ be your compass in your journey too: clarity to illuminate your direction, commitment to fuel your journey, and consistency to ensure you reach your goals. Just as they reshaped my trajectory, may they inspire and guide you on your voyage to success, and fill you with confidence!