Bias can’t be helped but can be checked!

I am having to think more about problems with various research out there as part of my Psychology studies at Birkbeck. The different kinds of BIAS we as humans inherently possess is an interesting topic. Picture this: we all have our favorite things and groups, right? This is a bias – we might not even realize it, but our brain quietly whispers, telling us to like what we already like, and stick with what (or who) we know. Sound familiar? This is confirmation bias.

Another interesting topic – obedience! The word gives me the creeps but turns out we unconsciously are obedient to various elements in our lives. We studied Milgram’s experiments in class, which showed how we often just follow orders, even if it’s something we shouldn’t do, simply because someone in charge tells us to. Again, sound familiar? I know I’ve definitely said ‘I was asked to do it this way’ at least a handful times!

This educational journey is proving to be a true eye-opener already. It’s like peeling an onion – layer after layer, there’s always something new and sometimes tear-jerking to discover! Understanding our biases and our sometimes too-easy obedience is the first step to making sure they don’t steer us down a wrong path. I’m taking this journey one step at a time, checking my biases, questioning my obedience, and this is proving to be an intriguing exploration.